Saturday, July 24, 2010

10 Months!!


I can not believe in 2 short months you will be 1 year!

  • You are both pull up to standing on everything!
  • You are waving!!! It is the cutest thing to see you wave when we say hi or bye!
  • I love listening to you babble to each other in the morning when you wake up! It is the sweetest thing!
  • Finley has 4 teeth that have come in this month…poor thing!
  • Zane’s tooth count is still zero…I am sure once Finley is done for a little while it will be Zane’s turn!
  • You are both wearing 12-18 month clothes.
  • Size 3 diapers
  • Size 4 overnight diapers!
  • You are now getting your morning formula out of a sippy cup!
  • You stopped nursing at 9.5 months! Momma is proud to have made it so long!
  • You get a noon bottle and a bedtime bottle.
  • You are taking 2 naps…one at 10 and one at 3.
  • We try to get out of the house at least once a day …grocery, target, playdate, pool, etc.
  • Zane, you love to eat! You can’t seem to get the food to your mouth fast enough! You will eat just about anything!
  • Finley, you are a dainty eater and examine your food on you hand before you put it in you mouth! You are beginning to have an opinion about what you eat and I am afraid that you might have your mom’s sweet tooth!

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