Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hoppy Easter

We had an Easter to remember for sure! I think we were a bit ambitious in planning our Easter events. We planned to attend the 9:30 service and then head over to a brunch with friends. Well we made it half way through the service when our beeper from the nursery went off...Zane was not having it (a bit overwhelmed with the crowds). He was pretty worked up so I texted Gary to go pick Finley up so we could go. We drove around for a little bit while Zane rested and then went to the brunch. Finley had a blast but I think Zane was a bit off due to the nursery experience. It ended up being a great day...will be remembered always!

Hunting for eggs!

Love their little feet in these flip flops!

So proud!!!

Look what the Easter bunny brought!


Heather said...

Wow! They've gotten so big. Then again, so have ours. Glad you had such a nice day.

Our church doesn't have a nursery, but we have a children's chapel where you can see and hear everything going on, but you are behind glass so people don't have to hear the kids that can't sit still yet. We took ours and Easter mass is so much longer and Liam started saying towards the end, "Done! Done! Bye-bye! Bye-bye!" It wasn't over yet, he was just hoping.

Sarah and Brant said...

Love Zane's Halloween pj's on Easter! Hee hee! Very festive.

Courtney said...

I LOVE the turtle outfit Zane has on. SO cute! Glad the day ended being a good one. :)

Suzanne said...

Heather- what a great idea your church had! I am hoping he will come around soon and begin to enjoy it!

Sarah-yep! knew you would love it! we got 2 pairs of those from both sets of grandmothers so he wears them about 4 nights a week!!

Courtney- my mom got that from the gymboree outlet...I love it too!