Thursday, December 17, 2009

3 months


(Thank you Amy for these precious pics!)

Wow how you have grown! I am already finding myself looking back and am amazed at how much you have grown!  You are changing and growing so fast and I am loving being able to watch every little step!

I love your smiles as I greet you in the morning and throughout the day. 

Your coos are just so precious and I love talking with you!

You are still enjoying short tummy times and are able to hold your head up for minutes at a time! You are so strong!

You are beginning to form somewhat of a routine during the day. I am enjoying trying to figure it out and keep up with the changes as you grow! Keeping me on my toes.

I am getting excited about Santa coming for your First Christmas! You have been very good girl and boy! Don’t worry…I helped write out your list!

We are now catching more Zzzzz’s around here because Zane is sleeping through the night (I hope I am not jinxing myself by writing it!).  Finley, you are a little night owl and want to stay up until midnight…we are gonna work on that!

You are a little more independent and will play on your playmat or in your bouncy seat for a bit without mommy needing to hold you all day long! I do still love my cuddle time though and cherish every minute!

You are bringing your hands together and batting at objects and grasping them! It is so fun to watch you work so hard!

I love you more and more every day!


Heather said...

So sweet! What cute little faces! Enjoy!

Ashley said...

Yeah!!! One is sleeping through the night!!! 3 months already, I can't believe it!

CPD Admin said...

Is Zane upset the Leno comes on right before his show?

Unknown said...

Just when you think you can't love any more or your heart will burst---you do !! How wonderful!! How chubby those babies are and I did guess which baby Gary dressed!! I know that your first Christmas together will be filled with memories you will always cherish! I know your Christmas will be Merry!! Karen